Wendell August NFTs: How to Mint

Wendell August
3 min readJul 5, 2022

Minting Wendell August NFTs will take place on July 14th, 2022. To purchase a Wendell August NFT and receive the associated utilities, please follow the step by step instructions below. We will be using Metamask as the standard crypto wallet for this guide, however, alternative crypto wallets like Coinbase Wallet, Trust wallet, and others also suffice as long as they can hold NFTs.

Step 1: Navigate to https://www.wendellaugust.com/nft

Step 2: Sign into your Metamask or alternative crypto wallet on your browser. When prompted, connect your Metamask wallet to the site. For instructions on how to use Metamask, please see the Wendell August Metamask Instructions, here.

Step 3: Once your wallet is connected, scroll and click on the “mint NFT” button on the Wendell August homepage. You can mint as many as you’d like to increase your chances of receiving a rare NFT.

Step 4: In your Metamask, please make sure you have enough Ethereum to pay for the number of NFTs you are minting, plus extra Ethereum to pay for the gas fees required to pay for the transaction. The starting price for Wendell August NFTs will be $100 US Dollars, or the equivalent amount of Ethereum (0.08 ETH at today’s values). Gas fees are an inherent part of an NFT purchase and any transaction performed on a blockchain. Typical transaction fees to mint NFTs on Ethereum range between $30 and$100, and are used to pay for your transaction on the Ethereum blockchain. None of these gas fees are paid to Wendell August, but to the operators of Ethereum. For instructions on how to fund your Metamask wallet with Ethereum, see the Wendell August Metamask Instructions.

Step 5: Once you choose how many NFTs you’d like to mint, you will need to confirm the transaction in your metamask wallet. Gas fees are not included in the initial price, rather, gas will be added on at the end of the transaction. The total cost of the transaction will be the price of the NFT plus the associated gas fee. Confirm the transaction in your Metamask wallet when ready.

Step 6: Your Metamask will act as your digital signature when you pay for NFTs. Your Wendell August NFT will be minted when the transaction processes and will be automatically sent to your Metamask Wallet.

Step 7: To confirm if your NFT has been received, the confirmation will appear as the last transaction in the Activity tab of your Metamask browser extension and in your Metamask mobile app. The transaction confirmation is your digital receipt, and you can confirm the completion of the transaction on the Etherscan.io link given, which will take you to the link of the actual NFT. You can also navigate to Opensea.io, log in with your Metamask, navigate to your profile, and confirm that your NFT has been received in the “Collected” section of your profile. Lastly, you can also check if the NFT was received through the mobile Metamask app by navigating to the “NFTs” tab. As long as the NFT appears in one of these areas, the transaction was processed and smart contracts will be able to recognize that your wallet contains the Wendell August NFT.

To learn more about our genesis NFT collection, please visit www.wendellaugust.com/nft, follow us on Twitter, and join our Discord.

Wendell August how-to guides provided by Sarson Funds. None of this is financial advice — The purpose of this article is solely meant for educational purposes only to teach the Wendell August community how to purchase Wendell August NFTs.



Wendell August

Wendell August Forge is America’s oldest and largest forge, crafting hand-wrought ornamental metalware and elegant giftware since 1923.